Thursday, September 29, 2016

This is Jezzabell aka Boo, my companion animal.

This is Jezzabell aka Boo. She is my companion animal. No she is not a service animal but still she serves a purpose.

I suffer from #depression #anxiety #bipolar and #adjustmentdisorder with extreme anxiety.

 This is what she does for me. When I can't get out of bed, she paws at me, whines at me and licks me until I get out of bed. When a panic or anxiety moment hits, she comes running to be by my side. When I am depressed she is my shadow.

She calms me during my weakest moments and with my medical issues. With out her, these issues would make me non functioning more then I do now.

She gets me out of the house for walks and sunshine. Something that is vital for my conditions.
I need her. And a companion animal is important to those that need them for medical reasons.

It upsets me when people lie and say "oh it's my companion animal," when it is not (when obvious). Because of that I have many people telling me that I'm and either a liar or that I'm weak and shouldn't need her.

We need to be more understanding when it comes to companion animals. But we also need those that are abusing it to stop as well.

Boo is an important part of my life. She helps me through my most difficult times. If I did not have her, I would be worse off and I am already pretty bad as it is.

So I ask, be open minded. Don't criticize those that need a companion animal. But I also ask those that use this as an excuse to take a animal somewhere that is not one to stop, stop abusing it. The ones that need a companion animal are the people you are hurting.

Boo, with out you, I'd be more of a wreck the. I already am. She is so important for my well being and I am one of those people that needs my companion animal....

*My personal struggles or ways that I deal with my depression are just that, my own. Not everyone suffers or handles it like I do. This blog and the words are my feelings, interpretations, opinions, ect. Not everyone will agree with this blog or what I have to say, that is ok. That hasn't stopped me before, and it won't stop me now. I just ask that you be respectful and to keep an open mind.

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